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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

5 Boat Safety Tips for the Summer

When people are out boating in the summer, safety can sometimes take a backseat to pleasure. This could be a tragic mistake. In 2020, there were 5,265 boating accidents in the U.S., causing 767 fatalities and 3,191 injuries, as reported by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Enjoy the sun and the water but keep the following boat safety tips in mind. Don’t Drink While Boating...

Is Your Small Business Recession Proof?

The time to recession-proof your business is before the economy starts to downturn. Later may be too late to turn the ship around. Careful planning and taking specific steps now can help you prepare your small business for future downturns and marketplace changes. Get a Handle on Your Cash Flow Many businesses fail because of problems with cash flow. It is important to know your...

6 Things You Shouldn’t Store in Your Garage

A garage helps protect your vehicles from exposure to the elements. It can also be a convenient location for storing items you don’t want to keep in the house. Keeping some items in the garage can create a health and safety risk for you and your family. Never store these six things in your garage: Propane Tanks If you barbecue outdoors, you may keep propane...

Common Types of Surety Bonds & How They Work

A surety bond is a contract that ensures specific obligations are met. These bonds are often required for contractors working on government contracts. They are performance-based. A surety bond is a guarantee between three parties. The parties in a surety bond are: The Principal: The individual who is required to have a surety bond. The Obligee: The individual requesting the bond. The Surety Company: The...

Understanding What Your Home Insurance Policy Covers

Understanding your home insurance policy and what it covers is essential but easier said than done. Insurance contracts are written in a legal language unfamiliar to most of us. To understand your coverage, you may want to get help from a local insurance agent. You need to know what is covered – hopefully long before you need to file a claim. You likely have homeowners'...